Preferential Certificates of Origin (EUR1 and ATR Forms)
The European Union has concluded trade arrangements with certain non-EU countries that allow exports from the EU to enter the markets of these countries at a reduced or nil rate of duty. They also allow imports from these countries into the EU at a reduced or nil rate of duty. These arrangements are known as Preferential Trade Agreements and the duties involved are referred to as preferential rates of duty.
For information on Preferential Certificates of Origin (EUR1 and ATR Forms), contact Customs.
EUR.1 & A.TR Certificates may be obtained by sending a faxed application to the following offices:
Dublin Port & Airport District,
Revenue Commissioners,
New Customs House,
Promenade Road,
Dublin 3.
Tel: 01- 8776223
Fax: 01- 8776280
Revenue Commissioners,
Revenue House,
Assumption Road,
Tel: 021- 6027000
Fax: 021- 6027103
Revenue Commissioners,
Government Offices,
The Glen,
Tel: 051 – 862100
Fax: 051- 862252
Revenue Commissioners,
River House,
Charlotte’s Quay,
Tel: 061-402186
Fax: 061-402185
Revenue Commissioners,
Geata na Cathrach,
Tel: 091- 547700
Fax: 091- 547775
Joint-Arab Irish Certificates of Origin
The JA-ICC is responsible for the checking, certification and legalisation of commercial documents for the Arab markets. The Arab-Irish Certificate of Origin should be used for the 19 Arab countries represented by JA-ICC. The Arab-Irish Certificate of Origin is issued by the JA-ICC directly to its members and is also distributed through the local Chamber network throughout Ireland for non members. JA-ICC Certificates of Origin must be certified by the JA-ICC following completion by the exporter. When there is a requirement for certificates and other documents to also be legalised, the JA-ICC will arrange this with the relevant Arab embassy. The Certificate of Origin is required for the following reasons:
• It is a legislative requirement of the importing Arab country
• To comply with Letter of Credit or banking requirements
• It is proof of origin for importer
• To meet customs authorities requirements
Certificates of Origin can be accepted in Arabic and French. If your certificate is in either of these languages, please provide an English translation.
For further information on the import requirements of the Arab states represented by the JA-ICC, please refer to the JA-ICC website:
Non-members: Certificates of Origin can be purchased directly from your local Chamber of Commerce. All documents must be stamped by your local Chamber before submitting to the JA-ICC.
A.T.A Carnets
Dublin Chamber of Commerce is the national guaranteeing association for ATA Carnets for Ireland. Cork Chamber of Commerce is also able to issue these documents.
ATA Carnets are used for the temporary export of three types of goods to any of the other 69 signatory countries to the ATA and/or Istanbul Conventions.
1. Commercial Samples
2. Goods for Trade Fairs or exhibitions
3. Professional Equipment
For further information on ATA Carnets, please contact Dublin or Cork Chambers of Commerce.
Dublin Chamber
Cork Chamber