Chambers Ireland (CI) president Clive Bellews pictured with Helen Downes at a recent CI board meeting


Our CEO, Helen Downes is a board member of Chambers Ireland and  a member of both Chambers Ireland Employment Workplace and Skills Policy Council and Chambers Ireland’s Chief Executive Forum.

This representation is indicative of the high esteem in which Helen is held within the national organisation, and the valuable contribution she can make to strategic considerations.

Being a member of  Chambers Ireland board gives us a forum to represent our members at a national level  and to input their views and commentary on national policy issues. It also ensures that Shannon’s voice is heard at another key national level.

Chambers Ireland’s Board

Chambers Ireland’s Board is the organisation’s governing body. It meets monthly and its functions are to provide strategic leadership, oversee the activities of the staff and volunteer structures at national level.  Elections for the board are held at its AGM.

Chambers Ireland’s Chief Executive’s Forum

The Chief Executive of every member chamber is entitled to attend the quarterly Chief Executive’s Forum, a self-governing structure within Chambers Ireland that addresses issues of concern to its members and advises the board on issues affecting local chambers.

Chambers Ireland’s Policy Councils

Chambers Ireland’s policy councils provide an opportunity for representatives of member chambers and co-opted experts to develop national policy.