The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation has commissioned a national study on Corporate Social Responsibility and are seeking participation from businesses of all sizes operating in Ireland. This will be the first comprehensive study of its kind in Ireland and will inform the development of Ireland’s Second National Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility which is due for publication this year
The study will assist the Government in ensuring Ireland’s international commitments in this area are met and, in this context, consultation with the private sector through the study is extremely important.
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD said “This first national study is important in determining the level of Corporate Social Responsibility in Ireland in 2017 so that good practices can be effectively encouraged and supported. This government is committed to encouraging and supporting quality employment opportunities and CSR has an important role to play in making Ireland a great place to work and to do business.”
Industry consultation is central to the government’s approach to supporting and developing good CSR practices in Ireland. The CSR Stakeholder Forum is comprised of industry representatives, academics and representatives of many government departments. The Forum has been meeting regularly since September 2015.
A new chair of the forum was recently announced with Catherine Heaney, Director of DHR Communications taking over from outgoing chair Brendan Jennings, Managing Partner at Deloitte Ireland.
Speaking about importance of CSR Catherine Heaney said “CSR has multiple benefits. It allows employees develop new skills, meet new people and work on projects outside of their comfort zone. It opens up opportunities for collaboration and networking between clients from different sectors. Most importantly, it means we know we can provide support to charities, organisations and individuals to which we are deeply committed.”
Businesses, of any size and sector, operating in Ireland are encouraged to participate in this study by visiting and completing the survey by Friday 14th April 2017.
The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation promotes CSR online through the CSR Hub, the @CSRHubIRL Twitter account and a quarterly e-zine.
For further information please contact Press Office, D/Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation ph. 6312200 or