Shannon Chamber members linked up at first Lunch and Learn event of the season

At the Shannon Chamber Skillnet lunch and learn event in Ei Electronics (from left): Peter Murphy, strategic business manager, Ei Electronics: Helen Downes, CEO, Shannon Chamber; Alan Kelly, manager, Shannon Chamber Skillnet; and Mick Guinee, chairman and chief executive, Ei Electronics. Photograph by Eamon Ward


With LinkedIn now regarded as the top social media networking tool for business, Shannon Chamber Skillnet hosted a lunch and learn event in Ei Electronics’ Centre of Excellence at which Optima Training gave an overview of the payback companies can get from utilising LinkedIn more.

It was a full house attendance as businesses from across the region were keen to know how to get the best from this social media platform.

Topics covered during the ninety-minute session included an introduction to LinkedIn, improving your LinkedIn profile, how to start and join groups to enhance your networking opportunities, how to grow and manage contacts in your LinkedIn network, how to create events in LinkedIn, content marketing, how to leverage advertising opportunities on LinkedIn and recruitment via LinkedIn

Karen Kelleher, EmployAbility Clare’s new employment facilitator in Shannon, found the workshop really useful.

“Connecting with people and the businesses they work for is one of the most important aspects of our work in EmployAbility. The workshop in Ei electronics showed us how we could connect with more people in Shannon through LinkedIn, as well as raising awareness of our core business, which is increasing employment opportunities for people with a disability or extra support needs. Physically networking with people enriches that connection and the welcoming environment in Ei Electronics embodies Shannon business community’s real connection with its community.”

Shannon Chamber’s chief executive Helen Downes was delighted to see good engagement at the networking lunch.

“The purpose of hosting this type of event is to give members a succinct overview of topics of interest and benefit to their businesses. LinkedIn is a great platform for connecting people and business and this event was member-led; members themselves requested a briefing on the topic. The information shared on the day will equip those who attended with the practical skills and knowledge to successfully use LinkedIn. The session was focussed on using LinkedIn in a business context, whether as an individual or as a company.”

Shannon Chamber Skillnet will host a lunch and learn event on project management in Ei Electronics on Friday, 7 October from 1-2.30pm. Bookings can be made online at Events & Training | Shannon Chamber. For a full list of upcoming Skillnet programmes, check out

Shannon Chamber Skillnet is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and member companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. 

Attending Shannon Chamber Skillnet’s lunch and learn event in Ei Electronics (l-r): Helen McQuillan, team leader, Employability Clare, and Karen Kelleher, EmployAbility Clare’s employment facilitator in Shannon. Photograph by Eamon Ward

Photograph by Eamon Ward