Opportunity to collaborate with the best researchers in EU
Minister for Training and Skills, John Halligan TD outlined the benefits of Horizon 2020 funding at a breakfast event organised by Enterprise Ireland and attended by multinational companies including Irish multinational companies.
Horizon 2020 (H2020) is the EU’s Programme to support Research and Innovation. It has a budget of €75 billion and runs from 2014 to 2020. From January 2014-November 2015 Ireland had won €251 million. This performance has Ireland on track to achieve the national target of €1.25bn.
The Horizon 2020 benefits for companies include access to competitive EU funding for research and innovation activities and opportunities to collaborate with the best researchers and leading companies in the EU.
Speaking at the event Minister John Halligan TD said that “I encourage all innovative companies operating in Ireland to engage with the EU Horizon 2020 programme so that they can experience the multiple benefits of participation. The value of participation in Horizon 2020 extends far beyond the potential monetary rewards. Horizon 2020 provides a mechanism to network and collaborate with the best researchers and leading companies across Europe”.
“These benefits are all the more important for a small, island nation like Ireland”, he added. “So I would encourage all innovative companies to investigate the opportunities to participate in Horizon 2020. We have an excellent national support structure for Horizon 2020, led by Enterprise Ireland, which can assist researchers in identifying the opportunities and in preparing applications”.
The heads of three of DJEI’s enterprise development agencies, Julie Sinnamon, Chief Executive of Enterprise Ireland; Martin Shanahan, Chief Executive of IDA Ireland; Prof Mark Ferguson, Director General of Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Advisor to the Government also spoke at the event to outline their support for the scheme .
Their message was supported by representatives from two companies who have been successful in securing significant funding from Horizon 2020, Seán O’Driscoll, President of Glen Dimplex; and Martin Curley, ýVice President & Director of Intel Labs Europe.
For further information please contact Press Office, D/Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, ph. 6312221 or press.office@djei.ie
Note to Editors
Ø H2020 is one of seven flagship initiatives in Europe 2020, the European Union’s ten-year jobs and growth strategy.
Ø H2020 funding (grants) is awarded on a competitive basis to researchers and companies across three main pillars: Excellent Science; Leadership in Industrial Technologies; and Societal Challenges.
Ø In 2013 the Government set a national target to win €1.25 billion over the lifetime of H2020, double the amount won in the previous framework programme (FP7).
Ø A national network to encourage and support researchers and companies to submit bids is led by Enterprise Ireland. The network includes programme experts in Enterprise Ireland as well as a number of Government departments and research funding agencies.
Ø From January 2014-November 2015 Ireland had won €251 million. The Higher Education system accounted for €157m of this total and companies, €72m. This performance has Ireland on track to achieve the national target of €1.25bn.
Ø H2020 also includes financial instruments such as loans to companies and equity investments, to complement the grant-based approach e.g. The European Fund for Strategic Investment – also known as the Juncker Fund.