Export Industry Awards now OPEN for applications

The Export Industry Awards are organised by the Irish Exporters Association (IEA) to recognise the remarkable achievements of companies working in the export industry. Companies can enter from 11 Categories and be in with a chance to be selected as the 2017 Exporter of the Year. All winners will be announced at an annual Gala Dinner on Friday, 17th November at the Clayton Hotel Burlington Road in Dublin. Tickets available here.

The awards acclaim all export industry sectors recognising emerging exporters as well as established indigenous exporters of manufactured goods and services, and onward to the big hitting multinational exporters. There is an opportunity for companies trading successfully in tough European markets and for those companies trading in high growth markets. Entrants may range from small start-up companies to large international corporations depending on the category.

Companies are welcome to enter more than one category. The overall Exporter of the Year 2017 will be selected from the winners of the individual categories.


For more information please click here