Companies Act 2014
There has been significant talk over the last few years about the updating of company law in Ireland. The Companies Act 2014 (the “Act”) was signed into law on 23 December 2014, the new legislation has become a reality and is expected to be commenced on the 1 June 2015.
Once commenced, the Act will repeal all existing company law statutes and the majority of related statutory instruments. The Act provides a consolidated and current company law code for its users which includes companies, directors, professional advisers, and shareholders.
Grant Thornton in conjunction with the Shannon Chamber of Commerce invites you to a briefing seminar where Jillian O’Sullivan, Partner in Charge of Company Secretarial Compliance within Grant Thornton and her specialist team will provide an overview of the Act and will provide further detailed guidance on particular provisions of the Act which will include;
- An over view of the main provisions in the Act;
- Accounting Changes under the Act; and
- Director’s Duties under the Act and their increased responsibilities
Jillian O’Sullivan has vast experience assisting companies with their compliance obligations and advising them on best practice in today’s ever increasing legislative environment and regularly facilities seminars on the role and responsibilities of directors.