Cycling is fast becoming a very popular pastime in Ireland, with brightly coloured cyclists to be seen traversing our highways and byways.
Mick Guinee, Chief Executive of Ei Electronics and 14 of his colleagues from the company are moving further afield on their bikes by taking on a 400km, 4-day Charity Cycle in September (13th -17th), which will see them cycle from Ei’s subsidiary, Aico in Oswesttry (Shropshire, UK) to Shannon.
All monies raised will go to 2 very deserving charities – the Clare Crusaders Children’s Clinic – and the Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice
If you would like to support them by making a donation, you can do so on a secure site
Your donation will go immediately and directly to the 2 Charities on a 50:50 basis.
Shannon Chamber would like to commend Ei Electronics’ management and staff for undertaking this fundraising cycle; their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) work is never ending and so commendable.