Taoiseach and Minister Breen address Forum on Sustainable Development Goals

Dublin, 30th July The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar TD, and Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Pat Breen TD, addressed the Sustainable Development Goals Stakeholder Forum on July 30th on the progress Ireland and the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation has made towards achieving our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The Sustainable Development Goals Stakeholder Forum, organised by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, was established to bring together, those working on, or involved in promotion of the SDGs across Ireland and abroad.  The Forum offers a unique opportunity for policy makers, civil society, business and other interested parties to come together to share experiences and information on SDG related activities taking part at a national and international level.


The focus of today’s forum was on SDG 8, “Decent Work and Economic Growth”.  Minister Breen highlighted the work that is being undertaken at his Department to achieve the SDGs under their remit.  This includes initiatives such as Future Jobs Ireland, the Regional Enterprise Plans, the work of the Local Enterprise Offices and the Climate Action Plan.


Minister Pat Breen said:

“The pursuit of decent work and economic growth is at the core of what my Department seeks to deliver.  We are working hard to ensure that Ireland retains its status as one of the EU’s digital frontrunners and that the benefits are felt throughout the country and within all sectors of society.  Initiatives such as Future Jobs Ireland and our Regional Enterprise Plans are key contributors to the advancement of Goal 8 which seeks to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.”