The rate of change in the data and analytics landscape continues to challenge and push the business model. What was fit for purpose a few years ago needs to be reassessed and enhanced to meet the revised needs. It’s hard to keep pace. Irrespective of technology maturity, there’s an appetite for businesses to learn from others, to benchmark against peers and to understand the opportunity:
• What exactly is data analytics and how can it help me?
• What analytics should I be using to remain competitive and grow?
• What is the relationship between AI and analytics? Are they different?
In this initial 30min session, Grant Thornton will cover:
• demystifying and clarifying the subject of ‘analytics’. The domains and types
• culture, confusion, infrastructure and quality our point of view on the challenges customers are
facing and how these can be overcome
• how analytics can and should be used within organisations
• how we view a Data & Analytics Strategy process and a framework to deliver value to the business
• best practices in strategy design
• examples of analytic program outcomes
This webinar is Free of charge.
Please book online to secure your place!