The Wild Atlantic Startup Event (WASUP)

  • Event: The Wild Atlantic Startup Event (WASUP)
  • Date: 17/06/2016
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Venue: Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick


The third ever Wild Atlantic StartUP Conference takes place on June 17th in the Kemmy Business School at the University of Limerick. The event is about creating a no-nonsense platform enabling entrepreneurs to advance their knowledge, and startups hone their skills – whilst listening to the success & failure stories of other regional startup companies. We have amazing Wild Atlantic StartUP workshops with key industry experts. Providing practical tools and techniques which have proven successful as will be demonstrated by our speakers in the various sessions.

This event itself is part of a movement to create an open and inclusive platform and partnerships to bring the startup, enterprise and investment ecosystems closer together across the Mid-West.This should drive more funding and relevant mentoring and expertise towards startups and, in turn, increase the chances of them competing on the global stage. WASUP is about creating real value and hard-hitting insights for all our attendees.

Throughout the day, we will focus on topics such as innovation, investment, female entrepreneurs, marketing, sales and much more.

This event is created by startups for startups. Aiming to bring together the key players who actively promote the entrepreneurial ecosystem, such as startups, the entrepreneurial community, and venture capitalists. REGISTER HERE.

Through a series of keynote speakers, practically focussed workshops, networking, and access to venture capitalists it will allow startups and entrepreneurs to advance forward towards their start-up goals and ambitions from right here in Limerick.

There is a special code for Shannon Chamber members, for a FREE TICKET clients should use the discount code: SNNCHVIP

Shannon Chamber members can book their tickets through this link once they use the code: