The Logistics and Supply Chain Sector – Opportunities & Skills Gaps

  • Event: The Logistics and Supply Chain Sector – Opportunities & Skills Gaps
  • Date: 27/04/2021
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Venue: Online, Session, Via Zoom,
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Shannon Chamber is delighted to host this webinar, in conjunction with the Department of Transport and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment to present a summary of this work undertaken to date by both Departments to highlight the opportunities available and discuss the skills needs in the Logistics and Supply Chain sector, an important sector for Ireland and the Mid-West region. 


The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) advises the Irish Government on current and future skills needs of the economy and on other labour market issues that impact on Ireland’s enterprise and employment growth. The EGFSN forecast that the demand for new entrants to freight transport, distribution, and logistics roles between 2016 and 2025 would be in the order of 3,000 new entrants each year to 2025.

The 2018 EGFSN Report – Addressing the Skills Needs Arising from the Potential Trade Implications of Brexit – highlighted the critical skills gaps in these key areas and what needed to be done to raise the profile of the sector, enhance its attractiveness to potential new entrants and upskill current employees in the sector. The EGFSN recommended the establishment of a Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Group to manage a coordinated response from the Logistics/Supply Chain sectors to promote the sectors and their skills needs, including skills required to diversify trade with overseas markets.

The Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Group (LSCSG) was established in 2019 to support the promotion of careers, skills development and sustainable employment in the Logistics and Supply Chain sectors in Ireland. The Group includes key stakeholder representatives from government, education, and industry, and is currently chaired by the Department of Transport. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment also plays a key role in the work of the Group.

Through improved linkages between employers and education and training providers, the group seeks to enhance alignment with industry needs and encourage the industry’s investment in increasing the skills base within the industry. The Group provides a forum for practical action and collaboration aimed at addressing the skills needs of the sector.

The Group has recently put together a panel of Logistics and Supply Chain “Champions” who are people who positively exemplify the sector, through achievements, hard work and vision, and/or who represent successful career progression in the sector.

In February 2021, the LSCSG published its first annual Progress Report, to outline the progress that is being made to promote careers, skills development, and sustainable employment in the Logistics and Supply Chain sectors.


Q&A session will follow.

Both Departments would welcome ideas and discussion from individuals and companies attending the webinar.

Who should attend?  This webinar will be of interest to companies with an involvement at any level in the transport, logistics and supply chain sectors.

The link to join this webinar will be shared via email a day before the event or simply click HERE to join the session.


Dr Alan Power, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Alan works in the Secretariat to the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, which advises the Government on the current and future skills needs of the Irish economy.

Alan is currently working on an EGFSN project into the skills required to enable the Low Carbon Economy to 2030 (specifically skills needs around Retrofit, Heat Pump Installation, Wind and Solar Power generation, and Electric Vehicle maintenance and charging infrastructure). In 2020 Alan completed a report into the demand for skills across the Built Environment sector to 2030 (Building Future Skills). This was preceded by a number of other studies for the EGFSN: Construction Skills: Assessment of 2008-2018 Strategies (2019), Forecasting the Future Demand for High Level ICT Skills in Ireland, 2017-2022 (2019), and Addressing the Skills Needs Arising from the Potential Trade Implications of Brexit (2018).

Alan also played a central role in the development of the third ICT Skills Action Plan, Technology Skills 2022, and is a member of the Joint Secretariat to the High Level Group charged with implementing that plan. He has also formed the Secretariat for the cross Government oversight group charged with implementing the recommendations from the 2018 EGFSN Brexit report, and will fulfil a similar role for the Building Future Skills report in 2021. He also represents the Department on the Foreign Languages Advisory Group, Ireland’s National Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, the Third Level Computing Forum, Labour Market Surveillance Group, Construction Sector Group and EMCO, the EU’s Employment Committee.

Claire Martinez, Department of Transport: Claire joined the EU & Brexit Unit of the Department of Transport in 2017, having previously worked in the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform and the Central Bank of Ireland. Claire is currently Principal Officer in the Road Transport & Freight Policy Division of the Department of Transport, with responsibility for the regulation and licensing of Ireland’s commercial road transport (haulage and passenger) sector. Claire currently chairs the Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Group, on foot of key recommendations from the 2018 EGFSN report Addressing the Skills Needs Arising from the Potential Trade Implications of Brexit (2018).

Up to the end of 2020, Claire was involved in preparing and contingency planning for various Brexit scenarios in the area of international road haulage, and continues to work with a range of stakeholders on the impact of the UK’s departure from the EU in this area. Claire has worked throughout 2020 and 2021 on the ongoing impacts of Covid-19 on the road haulage and international supply chain sector. Claire also represents Ireland at a number of EU and international working groups.

Dr. Jane M O’Keeffe is an academic at the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI), a constituent college of Munster Technological University (MTU), and her main areas of focus are business strategy, supply chain management, and logistics for both logistics and maritime sectors.  Jane has extensive experience in the development of supply chain management degree modules and programmes at all levels of the European framework of qualifications. 

Jane has in excess of 20 years of industry experience, in electronics, pharmaceuticals and public sector, encompassing all aspects of Supply Chain and Business Management.  Jane is a Fellow, past president, council and graduate member of IIPMM; a graduate member of APICS; and an active member of the CILT.  Past chairperson of the national Education Awards and Chair of Sub-Group One in the Logistics & SCM Expert Skills group.  

Jane is a member of CIT/MTU academic council (since 2015); Academic Planning and Review Committee (APRC); and previously, served as a member of the NMCI strategy group (2013-2017).  Jane holds a PhD, a Masters in Business Studies, Post Graduate Diplomas in Education, and in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business in Management degrees from UCC and MTU. 

Jane’s research areas include logistics and supply chain management and climate change adaptation. Appointed by the Minister for Transport to the Board of Shannon Foynes Port Company in 2020, as a supply chain and climate change adaptation expert in the Irish Seaport sector. 



This webinar is Free of Charge, but online booking is essential.

The link to join this webinar will be shared via email a day before the event or simply click HERE to join the session.