On 31st March, The Irish Exporters Association (IEA), the voice of the export industry in Ireland, launched a new initiative,Supply Chain Ireland, to support exporters from SMEs to multinational companies with multi modal supply chain, logistics and customs issues, to overcome the challenges that arise when exporting. The launch was a tremendous success.We would like to invite you to our second event which is taking place at Shannon Airport and will bring together industry specialists from the air, road, sea and rail sectors with government and key stakeholders.Supply Chain Ireland will also strive to strengthen Ireland’s position as a leading location for conducting global supply chain activities. It will provide a network for exporters across all sectors to interact and exchange information on best practice through supply chain and logistics activities. The forum will do this through a series of targeted information seminars, events and round table meetings country wide.
Agenda & Speakers
1.30pm – 2pm Registration, Lunch, Networking, Press Photos.
Speakers include:
Howard Knott, IEA, Untangling the Supply Chain and its role in competitive exporting.
Sinead Quirke, Irish Aviation Authority, Aviation Security in the Supply Chain
Joe Cleary / Caroline Kennedy, Revenue: Updates on the Union Customs Code (UCC) & eManifest System
RSVP: by no later than 5pm Monday 25th May 2015
Cost: Members – Free, Non-Member €99
For more information follow the link below: