Get Ready to Export

  • Event: Get Ready to Export
  • Date: 25/06/2015
  • Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa, Ennis Road, Limerick,


Here is a one-off opportunity to hear the successful story of  The Kirby Group, a privately owned Irish company who provide engineering and construction services to the most renowned multinational corporations in the UK, Continental European and Nordic markets. The Marketing Manager Kieley McKenzie will talk about the company’s journey to trading internationally and the various challenges that come with trying to win customers overseas.

Enterprise Ireland, Limerick Local Enterprise Office and The Irish Exporters Association, will provide an overview of supports available to new and early stage exporters both in the Region and Nationally.

AIB, DHL, Euler Hermes, APB Food Group and PWC will also be in attendance at the event to advise participants on practical supports available for new and early stage exporters.

There is no charge to attend, just register on line via this link,


We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 25th June

