Shannon Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Embassy of Canada to Ireland is hosting a webinar and panel discussion Q&A focused on the industrial and manufacturing sectors. The objective of the webinar is to share the latest perspectives and thought leadership from the industry leaders from Ireland and Canada. Presenters will discuss topics on the impact of the Global Pandemic, innovation and Climate action and international business opportunities and experiences with a focus on the Canadian market.
During the webinar we will hear from:
Enterprise Ireland, is the agency responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in global markets. Enterprise Ireland work with in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate and win export sales in global markets.
Tekelek, a Shannon based company specialising in the design and manufacture of Internet of Things (IoT) tank monitoring sensor solutions and components across a vast range of industries. Tekelek are Europe’s foremost manufacturer of products to measure and report the level of liquids in domestic and commercial tanks and also work in Canada.
Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) is one of the five innovative and ambitious superclusters initiatives in Canada. NGen lead the advanced manufacturing supercluster and is a network of private and public sector organisations working together to ensure that Canada is at the forefront of advanced manufacturing through promotion and development, deployment and adoption of cutting-edge technologies.
Webinar discussion points:
- How the industry has adapted from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Future of the industry and latest innovations to meeting climate change targets
- Irish Company experience and perspective on doing business, innovation and working internationally
- Learnings from Canada and how NGen are working with companies and partners to support innovation within the industry
- Q&A Panel
Gillian Sheldon, Director Investment Partnerships , NGen Canada
Gillian Sheldon is Director of Investment Partnerships at NGen, Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster, where she is responsible for developing funding partnerships with public sector agencies and private sector investors to support industry-led advanced manufacturing projects. NGEN is focused on the digital transformation in advanced manufacturing to enrich lives, delivering better products and good jobs while generating the economic growth essential to a better future.
Tom Kelly, Divisional Manager – Cleantech, Electronics and Life Sciences, Enterprise Ireland
Tom Kelly is Head of Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation and Competitiveness Division and has responsibility for developing and implementing the organisation’s strategy on Innovation and Operational Excellence. He also leads the Strategic Sourcing team in its work on Public Sector procurement and developing sub-supply relationships with MNCs. He is recognised as a “thought leader” on manufacturing and was a member of key Government fora looking at the future of Manufacturing in Ireland.
Prior to taking up his current assignment he was Divisional Manager with responsibility for the Industrial and Lifesciences sectors and prior to that was senior manager within the Scaling Division, leading a team of specialists in business development and innovation management, working directly with a select group of fast growth client firms.
Awarded a PhD in Chemistry from University College Galway, for work on the catalytic properties of zeolites, he holds Masters Degrees in Materials Technology from the University of Sheffield and Industrial Engineering from University College Dublin. He is the author of several articles that have appeared in the scientific literature, spanning traditional and advanced ceramics as well as surface engineering technology.
Sean Ganley, Chief Sales Officer, Tekelek
Sean Ganley is Chief Sales Officer at Tekelek, with responsibility for sales and business development globally. Tekelek design and manufacture remote telemetry sensors and Industrial IoT devices, particularly ultrasonic tank level sensors, for the oil & gas, chemicals, water, waste, agri-food, telecoms and other industries. Headquartered in Shannon and with 5 bases worldwide, Tekelek has built and deployed more than 4 million sensors in over 40 countries worldwide. Tekelek’s clients include Kingspan, Shell, Total, Veolia, United Nations and others.
This webinar is Free of Charge, but online booking is essential.
The link to join this webinar will be shared via email a day before the event.
Also, you can CLICK HERE to join the webinar.