The 2nd Issue of our iZone magazine has been issued to all members and we hope you will find it interesting and informative.
The purpose of the magazine is to give readers a flavour of what is happening in Shannon at many levels and to present commentary from senior executives on their areas of expertise.
In this Issue, we have featured regional economic development, aviation, financial services, human resources development and management, telematics, broadband connectivity, and the tourism and leisure sectors. We thank all contributors for their open and frank commentary.
Always planning ahead and looking towards the autumn issue, which will focus on SMEs, we look forward to putting the spotlight on companies that are quietly making a difference and highlighting the linkage that exists between the FDI and SME sectors.
We would, therefore, like to hear from companies that have a ‘good news story’ to tell. All contributions will be assessed for their relevance to the Issue’s theme and their newsworthiness.
Issue 3 will be published in November 2016. Should your company wish to be considered for inclusion, please email on or before Monday, 5 September 2016.
Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy reading this Issue, which can be read online at: